Post IT Sympo 2022
A Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo barcelonai eseménye évek óta a legnagyobb és
legismertebb informatikai rendezvény és kiállítás Európában. A kontinens minden
országából érkeznek technológiai és üzleti vezetők, hogy betekintést nyerjenek a
vállaltok jövőjét meghatározó technológiákba és trendekbe, ideértve a vállalatok
digitális átalakulását, a kiberbiztonságot, a vezetői módszertanokat, valamint a
munkafolyamatok, az adatok, az analitika és a mesterséges intelligencia jövőbeli
rövid és hosszú távú alakulását.
Azok számára, akik idén nem jutottak el Barcelonába, szeretnénk egy exkluzív
esemény keretein belül üzleti ebéddel összekötve levetíteni pár, a rendezvényen
elhangzott fontos előadást, amely betekintést ad a jövőbeli trendekbe és támpontot
nyújt a mindennapi kihívások leküzdéséhez.
Részletes Program:
09:45 – 09:55 Érkezés
09:55 – 10:00 Megnyitó
10:00 – 11:15 How to Infuence the C-suite and process digital transformation?
11:15 – 11:30 Kávészünet
11:30 – 12:00 Seven Distruption you might not see coming
12:00 – 12:30 „Nem csak Duma” Litkai Gergely, Dumaszínház
12:30 – 14:00 EBÉD
2022. november 15.
9.45 – 14.00
Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo Content — Seven Disruptions You Might Not See Coming: 2022-2027
Daryl Plummer, Distinguished VP Analyst
Disruptions are fundamental shifts in something. They create lasting change that does not tend to die away unless disrupted by something else. CIOs must embrace the notion that disruption will continue and become more frequent. This will decide who leads and who follows. This exclusive session examines seven disruptions that are closer than you might think and should be on the CIO’s strategic radar.
How to Influence the C-Suite and Progress Digital Transformation
Richard Webb, Executive Partner
Roel de Graaf , Senior Executive Partner
Eyad Tachwali, Director, Advisory
Paul M Hillman, CIO of Maastricht University Medical Center
CIO success is becoming increasingly dependent on your ability to collaborate cross-functionally and be influential among your executive peers. Gartner sees CIOs’ initiatives continuing to expand beyond IT, requiring them to leverage relationships with diverse stakeholders in order to align with business strategy, achieve IT’s goals, and contribute to business outcomes.
In this exclusive session, we’ll empower you to effectively make your case to the C-suite and the board to get their support on your talent strategy, operating model, technology investments, and program decisions to ultimately achieve business outcomes. We’ll also help you be seen as an influential, credible leader and a trusted digital transformation advisor to help steward the next big change for your organization. You will hear first-hand from CIOs that have successfully navigated the same challenges you’re facing so you, too, can be successful. Plus, we’ll reveal which tools can help you extend your network, tap into real-world experience from executives like you, how to choose the right solutions, reduce costs and make smarter purchasing decisions with confidence.