
1. Build a Better Strategic Plan for Your Function
Capture your function’s strategic plan on a single page
1. Translate enterprise ambitions into a strategic plan
2. Focus on specific key initiatives and actions
3. Create a simple one-page view that’s both easy to follow and communicate.
To download the one-page strategic planning guide accoring to your function please

3. Drive Business Resilience, Growth and Profits in 2023
Most important in 2023? Investing in differentiators that will drive success over the long term — despite pressure from variables such as high interest rates that weigh on growth prospects.
your function’s playbook to see where and how to focus your time and energy amid today’s unique economic headwinds.

2. Define the Leadership Vision for your role
It’s never been more important to prioritize your time and energy. Use Gartner Leadership Vision to be more successful in your role as a functional and strategic leader:
1. Strategic priorities based on the operating environment
2. Top-level guidance for the challenges and opportunities
3. Custom actions for key initiatives
Download Gartner Leadership Vision for your role

4. Future of Work Reinvented
Designing a Win-Win Workplace for Employees and Employers
1. What is the future of work?
2. What kind of historic challenges organizations will face in the future?
3. What are the future of work trends?
Find answers and Download your hybrid workplace roadmap